Nominating Committee


On behalf of the Nominating Committee for the Knox ES PTA, I am pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors. 


The nominating committee is responsible for selecting and presenting the slate of officers at the election meeting on Friday, April 11th @ 8:15am. We are seeking nominees for the following positions: 

  • President
  • Co-President
  • Vice President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer


We are also accepting nominees for the appointed positions of Parliamentarian, committee chairs, and committee members. The Nominating Committee is not responsible for selecting the Parliamentarian, committee chairs, or committee members, however, we will forward all names to the elected Executive Committee for their consideration.


Suggested Qualifications for all officers: 

Knowledgeable about and adheres to the Purposes and basic policies of PTA; knows parliamentary procedure; experienced in PTA or other organizational work; has a sense of just and fairness; exhibits enthusiasm for PTA; willingness to make PTA a high priority for his/her schedule relative to the responsibilities and duties of the position. 


The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 14th. Please contact Nominating Committee Chairperson, Laurin Kendall at  for more information or to obtain a nomination form.


Nomination Form